Tomb of the Golden Bird by Elizabeth Peters

Tomb of the Golden Bird
(Amelia Peabody #18)
by Elizabeth Peters




First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea. To play along, share the first paragraph (or a few) from a book you’re reading or thinking about reading soon.


Seated on the terrace of Shepheard’s Hotel, I watched with interest as a tall young man stopped and turned, as if in response to the calling of his name. Yet this was not the fourteenth century B.C., but the year of our Lord 1922; and the tall man was no ancient pharaoh. Though his bronzed skin and black hair resembled those of an Egyptian, his height and bearing proclaimed him for what he was–an English gentleman of the finest quality. He was also my son, “Ramses” Walter Peabody Emerson, who was better known in Egypt by his sobriquet.



Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate. If you’re new to Teaser Tuesdays, the details are at Jenn’s A Daily Rhythm or on my Tuesday Memes Page.

“Yes, I suppose so,” Howard said flatly. “I–to tell you the truth, Mrs. Emerson, I am so worn down with suspense and excitement, I am incapable of thinking.”


Have you read any of this series or her other books?

18 comments on “Tomb of the Golden Bird by Elizabeth Peters

  1. Wow, what a great cover…and now I am intrigued by the excerpts. I have not read the series or anything by this author…thanks for sharing.

    Here’s mine: “THE GUEST ROOM”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      I’m especially interested in this one because it’s set at the time of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb. In fact, the Howard in the Teaser is Howard Carter.


  2. Fred Runk says:

    No, so far I haven’t read any of her works, or at least I don’t remember reading any of them. No particular reason why–just haven’t gotten around to them yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      I suspect this series appeals more to women than to men, Fred. You might be tempted to throw one across the room, lol. I read a number of series with male protagonists, but if I took a head count, I suspect over half the series I follow would have women protagonists.


      • Fred Runk says:


        Why would you think so?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Dagny says:

          I’m not sure if Amelia was this way in the first couple of books or not, but she is domineering in the extreme and thinks she knows better than everyone else. (Sometimes she does.) However, she does respect her husband’s knowledge and work ethics, so it’s not all bad – keeping it in the family. Still and all, I like her. She’s more likeable than Beaton’s Agatha Raisin. One thing, Barbara Michaels (Peters) knows her archeology.

          P.S. I didn’t mean throw the book across the room because you weren’t enjoying it or it was dreadful, but in exasperation about Amelia and her know-it-all attitude.


  3. I am such a bad mystery ready. I have never read anything by Elizabeth Peters. It must be a crime. This one sounds like it would be good. I love that teaser. He must be exhausted.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Diane says:

    Never tried this author, but I hear she’s popular. I’m trying to stay away from series reads.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. lemon123 says:

    I love, love this series. I started it from the beginning. I’ve read about five or six books. I’m so far behind.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I amreading some of her books. Currently reading HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY.

    Liked by 1 person

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