Friday Finds – July 31, 2015


Friday Finds is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm to showcase books you recently found and added to your TBR list. It doesn’t matter whether you found them free online, borrowed them from a library or purchased them. Anything and everything works.

My Finds for the month of July include a modern classic, a non-fiction and four series mysteries. A nice haul!

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(Book One of the Alexandria Quartet)
by Laurence Durrell


I’ve known about and considered reading the Alexandra Quartet for a number of years. When I saw it on Fred’s Desert Island list earlier this month, I knew the time had come. Thanks, Fred!

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The Journey of My Days, My Lives
by Thaao Penghlis


Having enjoyed watching Thaao Penghlis on General Hospital and Days of Our Lives, I’ve been looking forward to the paperback publication of Places. Thaao Penghlis has also been in a number of movies, including portraying a fascinating character in one of my favorite movies, Altered States.

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Now for the series mysteries:


The Blood of an Englishman (Agatha Raisin #25) by M C Beaton – a tried and true series for me which I have been following for years.

The Twelve Clues of Christmas (Royal Spyness #6) and Heirs and Graces (Royal Spyness #7) by Rhys Bowen – a new series I put off reading, finally tried thanks to Selah at A Bibliophile’s Style and now love.

Dead Water (Benjamin January #8) by Barbara Hambly – I first heard of Barbara Hambly through her Star Trek novels and am now hooked on her historical mystery series set in New Orleans.

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Share your Finds with us! We’d love to know if you found anything exciting this week.

Nina Clay Watches Orphan Black







I totally missed this reference to the Canadian television series Orphan Black on the Friday, August 1, episode of General Hospital. I don’t care for the character of Nina Clay and usually fast forward through her scenes, even when they are with characters I do like.


Thank you to @OrphanBlack for Tweeting the link at Tumbler. I have now watched it four times and counting.

Valentine’s Day 2014

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Which General Hospital couples will make it through 2014 and which will crash and burn?


Moon Rondeau
By Carl Sandburg

“Love is a door we shall open together.”
So they told each other under the moon
One evening when the smell of leaf mould
And the beginnings of roses and potatoes
Came on a wind.

Late in the hours of that evening
They looked long at the moon and called it
A silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafer,
A plaque of gold, a vanished diadem,
A brass hat dripping from deep waters.

“People like us,
us two,
We own the moon.”


Revisit a favorite from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam on Benny’s blog.

Take it off with Bradford!

John Beradino as Dr Steve Hardy

 I first watched General Hospital in early 1964, less than a year after its April 1, 1963, premiere. John Beradino (above as Steve) and Emily McLaughlin (Jessie) were original cast members with Rachel Ames (Audrey) joining the cast during the first year. Cast members have come and gone; none of the original ones remain. Some have been favorites, some have been great villains to hate and others never sparked my interest.

One of my favorite current characters is Damian Spinelli (aka Jackal, PI) played by Bradford Anderson. Bradford has started a New Year’s Resolution Pound For Pound Charity Challenge! Read his blog entry and follow the links for details. Take it off with Bradford!

(Note added in February, 2014: The Challenge has long since ended and the blog is no longer available.)