Three Complete H. P. Lovecraft Poetry Readings by William E. Hart

Marvelous CD, a must for fans of H. P. Lovecraft and lovers of weird/horror poetry.

CthulhuWho1's Blog

The folks over at Fedogan & Bremer, and Composer Graham Plowman, have all approved my request to share the following three complete tracks from our “H. P. Lovecraft’s Fungi From Yuggoth and Other Poems” CD (published by Fedogan & Bremer (2016)), in a visual form on YouTube, so everyone can hear (and read) some full-length examples of what’s on the 48-track CD.

Just click on the title cards below, or the links below them, and you will get to hear some of my personal favorites; including “Nemesis,” which I believe will still be a favorite poem and reading for Lovecraftians, long after I am gone from this world.

All three of these poems, are given a power and majesty by Graham Plowman’s beautiful scores; as are all of the other 45 tracks on the CD too!

The Ancient Track by H. P. Lovecraft
Read by William…

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3 comments on “Three Complete H. P. Lovecraft Poetry Readings by William E. Hart

  1. H.P. Lovecraft wrote poems too? I had no idea. Thanks for sharing this, Dagny 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      Yes, he wrote a good bit of poetry, including some quite lengthy ones. You can listen to a number of them at Youtube. A couple of links are in Will’s original post at and probably other links scattered throughout his blog. They are almost all available to read. Check out The H. P. Lovecraft Archive page at

      Let Eva and Katie know that Howard was a great lover of cats. As far as he was concerned cats rule! He wrote at least one short story about cats and possible some poems too. Once when he was visiting a friend and it was quite late, he delayed going home because the family cat was asleep on his lap. I don’t recall if it was Long’s cat or not, but here’s an old photo of him holding Frank’s cat:

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks a lot, Dagny. I am not a poetry lover, but I cannot possibly miss poems by the legend himself!

        Wow… is that so?! So good to know that he was a cat lover! Haha… I can relate to him delaying getting up when a cat is asleep on your lap (it is such a precious moment, how can someone miss it!!) Sigh… the picture is so heart warming, Dagny. It’s like looking at an old friend posing with a cat in black and white. I don’t know why but I downloaded the image (and will probably get a print out and put it up on my writing tag board.) Thanks for sharing it ❤

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