A Royal Pain by Rhys Bowen

A Royal Pain
(Royal Spyness #2)
by Rhys Bowen




First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea. To play along, share the first paragraph (or a few) from a book you’re reading or thinking about reading soon.

The alarm clock woke me this morning at the ungodly hour of eight. One of my nanny’s favorite sayings was “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” My father did both and look what happened to him. He died, penniless, at forty-nine.



Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jenn of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can participate. If you’re new to Teaser Tuesdays, the details are at Jenn’s A Daily Rhythm or on my Tuesday Memes Page.

“Come on in, ducks,” she said, almost hauling me inside. “I’ll tell you where your granddad is.”


What are you currently reading? Do you have anything to share with us?

28 comments on “A Royal Pain by Rhys Bowen

  1. I love that intro. It would’ve got me hooked!
    trish – my teaser

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Eight would be sleeping in for me. 🙂 This does sound like a fun read. I love a good mystery. I don’t think I have read anything by Rhys Bowen before, sadly. I will have to remedy that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      LOL, same here. This is the third series I’m reading by Bowen. The first was Constable Evans. It’s finished. I love her Molly Murphy series and it is till going.


  3. Kay says:

    I’ve been wanting to start this series for quite some time. I need to begin because the number of books is getting bigger and bigger. LOL

    Love the teaser!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      Even though I love her Molly Murphy series, I didn’t start this one for ages because I thought I wouldn’t like books with royalty set in the 1930s. Selah told me not to worry about the royalty bit as that’s not Georgie at all. She was right – I got hooked within the first few pages of the first one.


  4. Diane says:

    I liked the intro and would try more.sounds fun

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great excerpts! I haven’t read this author, but now I want to do so. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. fuonlyknew says:

    It all works for me. Sounds fun!

    Thanks for stopping by my teaser.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Shannon says:

    Good intro! Sounds like it is going to be a good read 😀 Mystery series’ are awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      Thanks, Shannon. I totally agree about mystery series. I don’t even have time to follow the ones I’ve started because I keep adding new ones. Addicted apparently.


  8. Fred Runk says:


    Something slightly different:

    “It is wonderful to think what a turn has been given to our whole Society by the fact that we live under the sign of Aquarius,–that our climate is essentially wet. A arbitrary distinction, like the walking-swords of yore, might have remained the symbol of foresight and respectability, had not the raw mists and dropping showers of our island pointed the inclination of Society to another exponent of those virtues. A ribbon of the Legion of Honour or a string of medals may prove a person’s courage; a title may probe his birth; a professorial chair his study and acquirement; but it is the habitual carriage of the umbrella that is the stamp of “Respectability. The umbrella has become the acknowledged index of social position.”

    Robert Louis Stevenson
    _The Lantern-Bearer and Other Essays_

    This has gathered enough dust, so I decided to move away a bit from crime and social issues for something more esoteric and enlightening.

    And how can one not think of Mr. Steed while reading that first paragraph–Mr. Urbane Respectability himself. I suspect that, in my imagination, as I wander through the text, the umbrella carrier will carry a familiar face as well (with one eyebrow raised, of course).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      My first thought was totally different from yours, Fred. It was Reginald Perrin who popped into my mind and his wife handing him the umbrella in the opening credits sequence. I don’t know if you ever had occasion to see that show starring Leonard Rossiter. I preferred his Rising Damp series, but the Reggie Perrin was pretty good, at least in the beginning. Of course Rising Damp also had Frances de la Tour who I now enjoy in Vicious.

      I am sans an umbrella and thus respectability – and it shows.


  9. I absolutely LOVED this book. I enjoyed the first one in the series, but the second was better. So … when are we going to read the third?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      I’d love to say I’ll be going right into the third as soon as this one is done, but the screaming TBR pile advises me to look at the writing on the wall. 🙂 Realistically, maybe late September.


  10. Good intro although I’d debate that 8 O’clock is early!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. beckmank says:

    I really enjoy this series! The first one I read was the one set at Christmas – can’t think of the name right now. And I’ve bounced around the series since then.

    Liked by 1 person

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