Teaser Tuesdays – July 22, 2014


Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can participate.

If you’re new to Teaser Tuesdays, the details are at MizB’s Should Be Reading or on my Teaser Tuesdays Page.


Beauty and the Beast
By Barbara Hambly

Based on the series created by Ron Koslow


Father’s room was two stories high, roughly circular and vaulted, and filled–floor to ceiling on one rough stone wall and heaped in stacks, pillars, pyramids between every other piece of its battered old furnishings–with books. Old encyclopedias and yellowing ‘thirties pulps, Everyman’s Classic Libraries sold to the rich by the yard in cured leather and gold, crumbling old novels, saints’ lives and Hegel, bright-covered Book Club editions bought to be thrown away, Shakespeare, Donne, Cervantes and paperback self-help, the gleanings of a thousand libraries, they rose in shadowy pillars around Vincent as he passed through the little vestibule with its scarred stone caryatids and crumbling pillars and down the short iron-railed steps to the main chamber.

This novel is based on the television series which aired from September, 1987 to August, 1990 and oh does it bring back memories. As I read Hambly’s descriptions of the various rooms, especially Father’s as quoted above, I can picture it just as in was in the beloved series. The original Beauty and the Beast series starred Linda Hamilton as Catherine and Ron Perlman as Vincent. It is wonderful to read about Father and picture Roy Dotrice in the role since that character is not in the new series. Does anyone else remember the series from the 1980s?


What are you reading now? Do you have a TT to share with us?

Please leave a comment with your link on MizB’s Teaser Tuesday post or below. If you don’t have a blog, you can share your Teaser here in the comment section instead.

44 comments on “Teaser Tuesdays – July 22, 2014

  1. I loved that show when it was on. Didn’t know it was a book. Cool great teaser. Here is my TT http://cynthiastacey.com/2014/07/22/teaser-tuesday-july-22/


    • There are a few novelizations. So far this one exactly follows the old series and both covers of the two I have show Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman as their characters on the cover. I loved the old series but have given up on the new one this season.

      Thanks for leaving your TT!


  2. Love the descriptions of the bookish room! Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.


    • It was so hard to choose a passage. The character descriptions were great too, but I thought most readers would enjoy knowing about Father’s book problem, lol. In the next paragraph, as Vincent makes his way through the maze of books, he remarks to himself that something will have to be done soon.

      Your sounds exciting and fun with the young woman starting over and making a new life for herself.


  3. Beauty & The Beast! My all time favorite fairy tale 🙂 I remember watching the show with my friends too! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    If I Stay | Gayle Forman


    • You’re welcome, Claudia. Wonderful to meet another fan of the show. Reading this book is really bringing the series back to me.

      I’ve heard yours mentioned a few times. Nice choice of teaser about Love. Sounds like something Vincent would say.


  4. jonesjar says:

    I loved the series and the cover on the book is a great reminder.


  5. That’s an awesome teaser, and I love all different kinds of re-tellings of Beauty and the Beast. Thanks for sharing, Madame Vauquer 🙂

    Here’s my TT post for this week. Happy reading.


  6. Wow, I haven’t seen that show in forever!! I loved that show!



  7. Sounds like an amazing and eclectic library! I don’t recall seeing that show, but this sounds like a fascinating story.
    My Teaser is from KEEPING FAITH.


  8. Oh my, what a shock!! I remember watching the show when I was a kid, I didn’t know there were books based on it as well.
    Thanks for sharing this, here’s mine: http://darkfrannysthoughts.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/teaser-tuesday-29.html


  9. I didn’t watch the series but the descriptions are vivid enough for me to imagine. Great teaser.
    Here’s mine http://www.lovebitesandsilk.co.uk/2014/07/teasertuesday-opening-paragraph-love-on.html


  10. I’ve never heard of this series but I do love the teaser. It is really evocative and perfect for book lovers.


    • Yes, I couldn’t resist the description of Father’s library. It’s an old series, over twenty years, both the tv show and the books. Not too many books in the series.

      Thanks for visiting. Yours this week sounds interesting with the woman returning from Africa and then the house burning down.


  11. haven’t heard of the show, but I’m not a tv watcher..
    descriptive writing definitely centers one in the setting! enjoy..


  12. That’s so interesting, I never realized they did a novelization of the series. I never watched it, but I’ve had people discuss the interpretation as part of courses I’ve taken on fairy tales. Cool! My Teaser.


    • Your course must have been interesting! Both series are updated to modern times. The underground tunnels of NYC are substituted for the castle. But Father’s library looks like it could be in a castle and most of the other underground rooms do also. Thanks for coming by and leaving your link.


  13. yvonne473 says:

    Sounds interesting. Great teaser!


  14. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t realize that’s a book! thanks for sharing!
    Trish – my teaser


    • Don’t be ashamed. I had actually forgotten about those books until I was looking at a list of books which Barbara Hambly wrote. The series came first. Thanks for leaving a link to your TT. It sounds delightfully creepy.


  15. fredamans says:

    I haven’t read this book but I remember the show with Linda Hamilton. 🙂


  16. Sounds interesting. I don’t know the show, but that teaser makes me want to. 😉

    Thanks for stopping by my teaser.


  17. FictionFan says:

    Ah, old memories! Though I must admit my memories of the show are vague now, but I do remember enjoying it at the time…


  18. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, and for visiting my blog.


  19. Great teaser!! I didn’t know it was a book!

    Thanks for checking out my TT


  20. Not many people knew that Hambly did a couple of novelizations of the series from the 80s. Thanks for coming by and leaving your TT link. Looks like yours may be the beginning of a series.


  21. Eustacia says:

    I want that room! It sounds awesome 😀

    And the book looks pretty good as well!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog



    • I know what you mean! That room is indeed something out of a fairy tale. Thanks for coming by and commenting.

      Hopefully I’ll be like you and finally, some day, get around to the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.


  22. sherry fundin says:

    Gorgeous blog header! Sorry so late getting over. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have not watched the series, but I love the vivid description for your tease.

    sherry @ fundinmental


    • Thanks, Sherry. Don’t worry about being late. We all get busy. I’ve almost missed some too because they went into the spam queue.

      Thanks for putting me onto the Kate Reilly mysteries I love mystery series.


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