Orphan Black – Season Three DVDs are out!


Hooray! I am now at home after running errands and picking up the Season Three DVD set for Orphan Black which was just released. See you in a couple of days.

Only fooling. I was at a local Wal-Mart bright and early trying to beat the heat. Not on the shelf! Just then a clerk happened to walk by so I asked about the new Orphan Black just out today. She led me over to boxed DVDs on a cart and said that the third shift hadn’t unpacked them for whatever reason. Then the wonderful clerk, rummaged through the boxes until she found it for me. Kudos to her.

10 comments on “Orphan Black – Season Three DVDs are out!

  1. pennma05 says:

    That’s awesome! I really need to start watching this show again! I’m in the middle of first season on Amazon Prime.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      I love this show! It is the only one that I now purchase the DVD. I got the first season of Person of Interest, but not the rest. Other than that my collection consists of all older shows.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Fred Runk says:


    I also have given up on Person Of Interest. It, like so many other shows, went from interesting and intriguing episodes to being taken over by the conspiracy virus, a mysterious enemy which attempts to destroy them. I first noticed this trend in The X-Files, although it might have appeared in others and I didn’t notice it. Now it seems to affect every interesting show sometime during it’s second season, although some small portents may appear in the first.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      Such a shame about Person of Interest. I hated the character of Root from about the 2nd or 3rd time she showed up. I still watch it and love Reese, Finch and Fusco, but don’t bother to rewatch.


  3. Shannon says:

    I so need to watch this show! I keep meaning to pick up more Canadian television shows and this one is highly rated!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      When I first watched Episode One, I was so confused but fascinated and curious. It wasn’t until the third or fourth episode that I was well and truly hooked.


  4. Oh I’m jealous! Such a great show! I only watched the first couple of the third season and kept forgetting it was on. I need to pick up the DVD myself to catch-up.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Tamara Epps says:

    It sucks that season 3 hasn’t even been aired in the UK yet. Is such a brilliant series but since it was taken over they seemed to stop sharing it with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dagny says:

      Surely they will show it soon in your area. Didn’t they hold Season Two back also?

      Vicious, which has already been shown in the UK (season two) is due to start here Sunday. I don’t know why they do that.


Your thoughts or comments?